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Redefining the Way 
We Move

  • Delivering freight is easy, but creating a solution customers can trust and depend on is where we excel.

  • We've listened to customers stories with other carriers, and the thoughts they've had when seeing their expensive cargo leave the facility.

  • With Etech Trucking, we use IOT devices and other technology to make sure you're never in the dark about any shipment or delivery.

Etech Logistics Freight

Our Journey So Far


Etech Rivals is Founded

Founded our MSP division focusing on businesses networking, security and data. Specializing in optimizing work flow and business operations.


Etech Trucking is Founded

Using the same thought process, to focus on the customer first and to provide a "World Class" customer service experience. We've found Etech Trucking, and dedicated it to using state of the art technology to monitor, secure and protect shipments and deliveries.

Etech Logistics Freight Business meeting


Contact us Today!

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